Eyes down for top GCSE and A level revision tips

TikTok is not only the home of cute pet videos and Eurovision sensation Sam Ryder. It seems many youngsters are taking to the platform to find revision and study tips for their GCSE and A level exams. The hashtag #StudyWithMe has had 3.5 billion views and #StudyTips has clocked up 2.6 billion views. So it’s eyes down for top GCSE and A level revision tips in our latest blog.

Education experts Studee have rounded up the best studying and revising tips and tricks trending on TikTok. 

Use the repetition technique. Trying to memorise everything that could come up in an exam is tough. TikTok users suggest repeating things in a certain way to help you retain more information. If you want to memorise something, try reading it and saying it 10 times and writing it twice.

See video here. Account: @studentlife101

Give blurting a go. Blurting is a type of active recall. Instead of repeatedly reading your study content, choose a topic to revise. Write down everything you can remember about it from memory without looking at the textbook. Then compare it to your study materials and see what you haven’t remembered and need more practice on.

See video here. Account: @unjadedjade

Try the Pomodoro method. If you find it hard to concentrate, try the Pomodoro technique. This method gets you to work in 25-minute blocks with five-minute breaks in between. After four sessions you take a longer break. It’s a great way to help you eliminate distractions.

See video here. Account: @jayguiler

Use flashcards. Flashcards can be useful if you get stuck in a rut of writing out endless pages of revision notes. Write out a statement or question on one side of the flashcard, then flip it over and write the answer or definition on the other. Use these to test your knowledge.

See video here. Account: @studywithgs

Keep your focus. If you struggle to keep your focus when studying, give yourself two options. Sit there and do nothing or work. You aren’t allowed to pick up your phone, browse online, or do something else. You’ll eventually feel so bored that you’re likely to crack on with revising.

See video here. Account: @addittiagrawal

Don’t waste time making notes pretty. Writeshort summaries on sticky notes of what you have read. Then use these notes to write your longer-form revision. Don’t waste time making the notes look good if you don’t understand what you’re writing, simply write out the practical information you need to learn.

See video here. Account: @justyourlittleasianfriend

Study at regular intervals. Try spaced repetition. Revise a topic, then revisit it the next day then after three and seven days. This is thought to be the ideal amount of time to help your brain remember information.

See video here. Account: @unjadedjade

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